- Pre - Online Registration
Pre - Online Registration
This is a Pre-Registration for a Single Vehicle at The 2023 Haysville Fall Festival Carshow. An Additional Packet and Dash Plaque Will Be Provided At The Day of The Show.
Please Provide All Your Contact Info
Please Provide Your Vehicle Info
Questions With Your Order Call or Email
As a entrant in the 2023 Haysville Fall Festival Carshow , I the undersigned assume completed responsibility for any injury to me, my family, passengers, or any damages to my property or vehicle with may occur during this event or while I am on the premises of the event, and I hereby release and hold harmless to the sponsors, promoters, non-profits, City of Hayville and its officials, and all other persons associated with the event from any and all liability for injury and damages, whether caused by negligence of the sponsors, promoters, spectators, and all other persons associated with the event otherwise.
The officials of the Kansas Car Shows Inc - 2023 Haysville Fall Festival Carshow reserve the right to remove entrants, spectators or anyone, on the basis of objectionable behavior.
This entry cost is a non-refundable donation to Kansas Car Shows Inc. ( 501c3 )
I agree and approve to the undersigned entrant and have read the above statement of waiver and do agree to abide by it’s terms of the car show. I further understand that the decision of the judging and sponsorship judging is final.
Electronic Approval of Entrant
( If under 18, Parent or Guardian must register )